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Emergency Services & Procedures



Our building is fitted with an advanced fire protection system. If there’s a fire, please proceed as follows:

1. If the fire alarm or automatic evacuation system sounds, please make your way to the nearest fire exit. Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exit - Do not run - Do not use the elevator

2. Assemble on the footpath at the corner of Wills Street and La Trobe Street. The alternative assembly area is on the footpath at the corner of Wills Street and A’Beckett Street.

3. Do not re-enter the building unless you are advised to do so by the Fire Brigade Fire alarms in the neighboring buildings may echo throughout The Wills - always open the door on hearing a fire alarm to identify the actual source of the alarm. If you experience a build-up of smoke in your apartment from cooking, please do not open the doors to the hallways to clear the smoke. Use the apartment windows. Smoke entering the hallways will trigger the fire alarm and result in the Fire Brigade being automatically called. The cost of the MFB attending a false alarm is very high and the cost will be passed on to the resident responsible.

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